Pakistan Teheek-e-Insaf stalwart Asad Umar is ready to launch Eco-Friendly Bullock-Cart based Metro Transport Service in Islamabad, as a realization of his "vision of providing environment friendly, ancient and cheap transportation facilities to the people of his constituency".
Islamabad Bullock-Cart Metro Transport will be completed within a week, since Engro Pakistan, Asad Umar's previous employer, will arrange all the Bulls from their Dairy Farms located in Sindh.
Asad further said that "Bullock-Cart Transport will provide affordable transport service to the residents of the city. The project is very feasible in Islamabad, since there is a lot of grass (alongside roads) for grazing and the animal dunk can then be used for greenbelt fertility, creating an efficient eco-system".
The information presented above is offered in Good Faith and is correct to the best of our knowledge. If any factual errors have appeared here inadvertently, then we would be pleased to hear from anyone wishing to offer corrections.